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When starting a job, new employees bring a foundation of skills and information, obtained throughout years of education, prior work experience, and personal history. In addition to their professional specialties, everyone has interests and hobbies that guide their decisions and expand their knowledge base.
Matthew joined NJM in 2023 as an IT Trainee. A graduate of Rider University’s computer science program, he had a minor in cybersecurity and a broad interest in several IT-related fields. He joined NJM’s IT Trainee Program after learning about it at a school career fair.
About NJM’s IT Trainee Program
In this full–time job, recent college graduates can gain experience in various IT disciplines. Over 10 to 12 months, trainees rotate through our IT departments, completing projects and gaining real-world IT experience. They use their education to develop technology solutions that can help us better serve our NJM policyholders and grow our business.
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Through college, internships, and early career experiences, you are often the learner, not the teacher. Matt had some experience of this in his own trajectory. However, he was also becoming an expert in fields separate from his day-to-day work.
In fact, in his first year at NJM, Matt was still pursuing research that he and his peers had started in college. His project used drone footage and machine learning to analyze traffic conditions. Insurance companies, delivery companies, city planners, first responders, and more could then use the data to improve their operations. His team even presented the research at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation in London in June 2023.
“It seems like every company is moving toward machine learning,” Matt said. “You get good analytics, it speeds up a lot of processes, and it’s incredible when used with cloud services. And insurance companies could benefit a lot from drones.”
Matt speculated that drone technology and machine learning could help actuaries, fraud investigators, and even loss prevention specialists to improve insurance experiences and reduce the risk of losses.
At NJM, Matt found a culture that embraced his interests. The leaders in his department recognized that he had special knowledge that could benefit NJM. They invited him to present a Lunch and Learn to share his knowledge of drone capabilities with NJM employees.
About NJM Continuing Education
NJM employees are empowered to take control of their own development. Full-time employees are eligible to apply for Tuition Assistance, enroll in courses to obtain insurance certifications, and become licensed producers. Lunch and Learn events, presented by employees for employees, give general knowledge on specialty topics relating to business, networking, and the insurance industry.
In his presentation, Matt explained to an audience of more than thirty NJM employees what drones are, the different types of drones, and some pros and cons of using them. He identified several ways that an insurance company could benefit from drone use and identified a few data processing tools for utilizing them effectively.
With all this, it’s been a busy year for Matt, academically and professionally! Within the next month or two, he will conclude his role as an IT Trainee and transition into a full-time position as an analyst. Outside of this, he’ll pursue his own interests and maybe gain knowledge that will further benefit him in his career.
These skills and experiences keep life interesting for employees. They also have the potential to benefit the companies where specialists, hobbyists, and tinkerers work.
Are you interested in a career that allows you to both build your skills and share your expertise? Join us!
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