Showcasing Your Transferable Skills

Your resume is a personal marketing tool to sell yourself to a potential employer. One resume area of particular interest to employers is transferable skills.
So, what are transferable skills, why are they important to employers, and how can you use them to showcase yourself?
Transferable Skills
These are the talents and abilities you’ve developed through education and job experience that can be used in other jobs and even other industries. They include hard skills (like computer and technical prowess) and soft skills (creativity and critical thinking).
Some of the Most Common Transferable Skills Are:
Dependability — are you reliable?
Communication — can you effectively share information, written and spoken?
Teamwork — do you work well with others?
Adaptability — are you able to adjust to change?
Organization — can you meet deadlines and complete projects?
Why Do Employers Care About Transferable Skills?
Employers value these relevant skills because they highlight your potential and indicate whether you will be able to do the job.
Now that you understand transferable skills, how can you showcase them to your best advantage?
Identify Your Skills and Tailor Your Resume to the Position
Choose the relevant transferable skills that best match the job requirements and demonstrate you meet the position’s needs.
Demonstrate Your Skills
Employers want to see examples of how you’ve used them in your career. Use the STAR (situation, task, action, result) method to show how you dealt with an issue, highlighting the skills used to resolve it successfully.
Showcasing your transferrable skills will help define who you are and make a solid argument for why a company should consider hiring you.
If you are interested in joining the NJM family, visit NJM Careers to apply for a position today.